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Saanich Police Application for New Recruits

All applicants will begin a thorough and detailed process of screening and suitability. Begin by submitting a comprehensive package of personal information and hopefully ending with an offer of employment. If you are successful, you will attend the police academy at the Justice Institute of BC in New Westminster for basic training, which is called Block I training. You will then return to SPD for Block II where you will be field trained by an experienced officer.  During this training, recruits apply knowledge and training learned in Block I to real life situations and calls for service. All field trainers are experienced and trained to provide effective coaching, mentoring, and support to this very important developmental stage in a recruit’s career. Upon completing Block II field training all recruits return to the police academy for Block III. Upon successful completion of Block III you will graduate with your class and return to SPD where you will begin your career in our Patrol Division.

Please Note

Before you fill out the application form please ensure you have all required documents ready to upload.

Apply to be a New Recruit Police Officer with the Saanich Police Department

Follow the steps below to complete your application process. If you encounter any issues, please email us directly at [email protected]

If you are successful in your application, you will be invited to the next stage of the recruiting process.

Step 1

Submit the following documents:

For tips on how to complete and send a document electronically, see our FAQ page.

    To read our privacy policy, please click here.

    Step 2

    Submit the following documents:

    Step 3

    ETHOS Exam and POPAT

    After successful completion of Step 2, candidates will be invited to write the ETHOS Entrance Exam. Candidates will also need to complete the Police Officer’s Physical Abilities Test (POPAT).


    The ETHOS Exam is a written test which focuses on memory and observation, reading comprehension and critical thinking, as well as writing and editing skills. The passing grade is 70%.

    If you receive less than 70% you can re-take the exam. After failing the second attempt you will be deferred for six months.

    You may have completed an ETHOS exam with another agency. If so, this exam is transferrable as long as the following criteria is met:

    • Achieved grade of 70% or higher.
    • Exam completed within the last 3 years.


    You can sign up and complete the POPAT at any time, however, the POPAT expires after 1 year. The passing time for the POPAT is 4:15 and is transferrable from other departments.

    Visit the “Registration” tab at the top of this page to register for the POPAT tests or free Practice POPAT sessions.

    You will not proceed to Step 4 until you have passed both the ETHOS and POPAT.

    Step 4

    Additional Documentation

    Upon successful completion of steps 1 through 3, you will be requested to provide the following:

    • Hearing Assessment
    • Vision Assessment
    • Proof of Standard First Aid with CPR-C
    • Original Educational Transcripts

    Step 5

    Sergeants Interview

    After submitting the documents from Step 4, and successfully completing the previous steps, you will be invited to the first interview – the Sergeants Interview.

    This interview is competency based and will be 1 to 2 hours in duration. The interview will be conducted by the Sergeant in Recruiting, as well as one other Sergeant. 


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