Photo of the Saanich police badge
photo of the Victoria police logo

POPAT PractiCe Registration

Enhance your preparedness for our official POPAT assessment by registering and participating in our free practice sessions. These sessions provide an overview of the test stations, allowing participants to gain practical experience and refine the skills required for the assessment. The practice sessions are conducted under professional supervision, offering feedback on performance and technique. Registration for these sessions are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

POPAT Assessment Test Stations

The POPAT test is designed to evaluate the physical abilities and endurance of aspiring police officers, ensuring they possess the necessary fitness levels for the demanding nature of law enforcement. By undertaking the POPAT test, candidates demonstrate their commitment to excellence, testing their readiness to uphold public safety and carry out the responsibilities of a police officer with utmost dedication and physical competence.

To pass the POPAT, the participant must perform all activities as per the defined protocol and complete the timed portion of the test within 4:15 minutes, and then demonstrate the ability to lift and carry the 100 lb torso bag a distance of 50 feet.
photos of behind the scenes of officers taking the physical abilities test

Station 1 - Mobility/Agility Run

A 400-meter Mobility/Agility Run with obstacles and high jumps.

Station 2 - Power Training Machine

Also known as Push and Pull station, control 80 lbs of resistance while moving through 180° arcs.

Station 3 - Squat-Thrust-and-Stand (STAS)

Modified Squat-Thrust-and-Stand (STAS) activity followed by jumping over a 3 foot (.91 m) vault rail.

Station 4 - Weight and Carry

A rest period of 30 seconds is given between the end of Station 3 and the start of this station. Station 4 is an untimed station where the participant lifts and carries a 100 lb torso bag for 50 feet.

POPAT Pass or Fail Criteria

To pass the POPAT, the participant must perform all activities as per the defined protocol and complete the timed portion of the test within 4:15 minutes, and then demonstrate the ability to lift and carry the 100 lb torso bag a distance of 50 feet.

Register for our POPAT Assessment Test

January 20, 2024

Time: 9AM - 12PM
Location: Ashton Armoury, 724 Vanalman Ave

February 17, 2024

Time: 9AM - 12PM
Location: Ashton Armoury, 724 Vanalman Ave

March 23, 2024

Time: 9AM - 12PM
Location: Ashton Armoury, 724 Vanalman Ave

April 20, 2024

Time: 9AM - 12PM
Location: Ashton Armoury, 724 Vanalman Ave

May 18, 2024

Time: 9AM - 12PM
Location: Ashton Armoury, 724 Vanalman Ave

June 22, 2024

Time: 9AM - 12PM
Location: Ashton Armoury, 724 Vanalman Ave

July 20, 2024

Time: 9AM - 12PM
Location: Ashton Armoury, 724 Vanalman Ave

August 24, 2024

Time: 9AM - 12PM
Location: Ashton Armoury, 724 Vanalman Ave

September 21, 2024

Time: 9AM - 12PM
Location: Ashton Armoury, 724 Vanalman Ave

October 19, 2024

Time: 9AM - 12PM
Location: Ashton Armoury, 724 Vanalman Ave

November 23, 2024

Time: 9AM - 12PM
Location: Ashton Armoury, 724 Vanalman Ave

December 14, 2024

Time: 9AM - 12PM
Location: Ashton Armoury, 724 Vanalman Ave

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